Lazer Kraze


Parties: Lazer Kraze

Have your next birthday or fun get together battling your friends in a fun game of Laser Tag! Inquire about times and dates for parties by clicking the "Send Inquiry" button.

Group Events: Lazer Kraze

Enjoy a heart pounding game of Laser Tag with your group. Inquire about times and dates for your tour by clicking the "Send Inquiry" button.

Corporate Event: Lazer Kraze

What better way to bond as a company than going after your co-workers with a game of Laser Tag. Inquire about times and dates for events by clicking the "Send Inquiry" button.


Business Overview

Laser tag missions are typically run every 20 minutes beginning 10 minutes after we open each day. Each game is 12 minutes in length but takes about 20 minutes from the time you go in to briefing until the time you come out after your mission is over. When your mission is ca Read more
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